Hinckley-Finlayson High School PO Box 308 201 Main Street Hinckley, MN 55037
bmasterson@hf.k12.mn.us ph (320) 384-6132 fax# (320) 384-6135

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The two choir and band concerts were excellent.  A special thank you to Sheri Lieffring, Corrilla Clark, and Karen Breach.  Both the junior high and senior high performances were outstanding and very well attended by the public.  It was fun to see so many people support two very important programs in our school.

It's hard to believe our last day before the Christmas holiday break is here.  This school year seams to be flying by.  I hope all the families of the Hinckley-Finlayson school district have a safe, restful holiday break with lots of family and friend time.

I want to say thank you to the excellent staff at the high school.  Without you guys our school would not go.  Thank you for all the support so far this school year, I hope you have a restful and exciting Christmas vacation.

See you all next year!
Go Jags!

Mr. Masterson

Friday, December 16, 2011

Come out tonight to see the junior high choir and band concert.  The program begins at 7:30 tonight (Friday) in the Fine Arts Center here in the high school.  On Monday 12/19/11 the senior high band and choir concert takes place in the fine arts center as well, it also begins at 7:30pm. 

There is also the opportunity to see a home girls basketball game next Tuesday 12/20/11.  The JV game begins at 6pm and the varsity game starts at 7:30pm.  Come out and support the Lady Jag Basketball team before our holiday vacation.

Today we had our Senior Tea.  The food that was created by Ms. Katie Pollock's class was excellent and the seniors and staff enjoyed their time.  Thank you to Ms. Pollock for her time and hard work.

A final reminder, next week we only have school Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  We will be back to school on January 3rd, 2012. 

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mr. Masterson

Monday, December 12, 2011

It's hard to believe that mid-quarters for second quarter come out this week. The school year is flying by and Christmas vacation is right around the corner.

I am happy to announce that tomorrow, December 13th, we are starting our targeted services program for 7th and 8th graders. Invitations have gone out twice for students qualified for this program. The students will get additional support in reading and math. The program will run from tomorrow through the end of the school year. The program will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-5:30.

There is a lot of opportunity to support your Jags this week. Tuesday night there is a girls basketball game at home at 6pm. On Friday, at 11am, there is senior tea. There is also a junior high band/ choir concert at 7:30pm on Friday.

A reminder we only have three days of school next week.

As always if there are questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to call me at the high school.

Go Jags!
Mr. Masterson